The Definitive Guide to Pest Prevention

Pests are a huge nuisance for both homeowners and businesses. They can be difficult to identify, which means that once they've invaded your space, you may not know how to get rid of them.

Pests are a huge nuisance for both homeowners and businesses. They can be difficult to identify, which means that once they've invaded your space, you may not know how to get rid of them. However, there are some simple steps you can take to prevent a pest problem in the first place. Here is a definitive guide to pest prevention.

1. Remove Sources of Water, Food, and Shelter

The first step to pest prevention is removing any sources that are attracting pests. They will usually be attracted to water, food, or shelter.

Remove all sources of standing water from your property, including birdbaths and old tires–pests need water to survive. Remove debris that makes good hiding places for rodents, like scrap woodpiles. Also, remove lawn furniture and other objects that might serve as shelter for rodents.

Repair cracks in the foundation of your home or business, which can let pests inside. Fill up holes in exterior walls, especially if they lead to an attic where there are likely to be food sources like insulation. Properly store all food items as well as pet food to keep rodents from feasting.

2. Use Pest Prevention Products

There are various pest prevention products that you can purchase to help make your house less inviting to pests. Some bug traps and electronic repellers emit sonic waves designed to drive pests away from your home. Remember, the key to effective pest control Humble TX is consistent use. This means you should use these products at least once a month to ensure that pests don't make your house their home.

3. Find Out What's Around You

The best way to prevent pests from becoming a nuisance is to be aware of where they are most likely to be found. Areas with decaying food matter or garbage are more attractive to rodents, so keep this in mind when you're choosing your surroundings. Also, remember that living things outside the home can still serve as food sources for pests, so it's best to remove food sources like trees, bushes, and woodpiles.

4. Check Your Home for Signs of Pests

This is probably the most important step to pest prevention. Once you know what type of pests are lurking around, you can take steps to get rid of them. If it's rodents that have invaded your home, then there may be droppings or nests. Use this information to effectively trap the pests and remove them quickly. You can also get an exterminator to come by if your pest problem is extreme.

5. Look Around Your Home

Pests can enter your home very easily if you don't check up on them regularly. Have a look around for damage that could be letting pests in. A loose window or door, piece of siding that's cracked–these are all things that make the home an even more welcoming target for rodents and other pests.

Replace or repair screens on windows and doors. Pests can easily get inside if the screens are damaged or torn, so be sure to check them out regularly.

6. Take Care of Your Yard

A clean, well-maintained yard is much less likely to attract pests. Clean up your tree limbs and bushes so that rodents have nowhere to climb or hide. It would help if you kept your lawn mowed, as tall grass will provide animals with a place to hide. Keeping the area neat will help drive away pests as well.

7. Minimize Clutters in the Home

More clutter in your home gives pests more room to hide, become comfortable, and reproduce. Keep things picked up to keep them out of hiding places for rodents. This also means ensuring that items are stored properly–in tight containers with lids, for example. A little extra effort can go a long way toward pest prevention.


Prevention techniques for yourself and your property, such as removing standing water, repairing cracks in the home's foundation, and maintaining a well-kept yard, will ultimately pay off. Once you've taken these steps to prevent pests from entering or nesting on your property, don't forget about other proactive measures like using pest prevention products.